New on the websiteJuly 30, 2024
Update on the work stoppage related to the Separated sewer project.
(see current discussions – sewer and storm water separation)
Housing – New Infill Bylaw (see current discussions – housing densification)
Status of the request to Re-zone the property at 3275 Upper Terrace (see current discussions – housing densification )
Who are we?
The Uplands Neighbourhood Association is a not-for-profit organization seeking to protect the unique features of this heritage-listed community for present and future generations. The Association was registered under the Societies Act in September 2022 to inform, engage, connect and advocate on behalf of Uplands residents with regard to the Infill Housing Strategy and other topics.
Uplands: By the Numbers
Number of households in Uplands as per Oak Bay municipal records
Total acres of land in Uplands Park, containing one of the greatest concentrations of rare and endangered plants in all of Canada.
Total kilometres of shoreline in Uplands as per Oak Bay municipal records